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  • Текст про традицыъ сымейны будь-ласка)очень нада на завтра

    • 21 October 2012
    • Ответ оставил: Shipilovakatak

    Our family traditions
    In each family there are traditions. Family traditions are that passes in a family from one generation to another; it that unites all members of the family, doing their life joyful and interesting. You ask, why they are necessary? Traditions pull together a family, do it by the real fortress where everyone feels surely and is protected.
    In our family, and it at us big: mother, the father, the sister, the brother, I, and, certainly, numerous relatives – too is the family traditions. For example, on Sundays we bake pancakes, we sit down all big friendly family at a round table, we drink tea with honey and we discuss events of last week. Communication with close people – the most light minutes in my life. Or, every summer we with parents go on the sea, opening everything new and new vacation spots, admiring beauty of the native land. And it is unforgettable!. And as we like to make in the summer evenings all family walks on bicycles.
    To celebrate holidays in the bosom of the family – too our tradition about which I and want to tell. Not for nothing speak:« As you will meet New year, so him and проживёшь». A holiday of New year – the brightest holiday in our family. To prepare for a holiday we begin in advance. We, children, write letters wishes to Father Frost, and then with mother we think out the holiday scenario, we study verses. When the father brings home the fluffy fir-tree smelling as needles, and puts it at a fireplace, we amicably start it to decorate. And there comes evening on December 31. The festive table is already laid, all are dressed elegantly and beautifully. And suddenly on the street раздаётся a ring of hand bells. We, as bewitched, wait for a miracle. And the miracle occurs! Into a room enter Father Frost with a big bag of gifts and the Snow Maiden. The real fun begins. We read verses, with parents we drive a round dance, we sing songs and we play, and the Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden hand over us gifts. And let behind a mask of Father Frost we see such acquaintances, native eyes, all the same we believe the mother's story that the real Father Frost charged to our grandfather to distribute us gifts because he doesn't manage to come to all children. Our cheerful holiday proceeds all evening, and then we with impatience again wait the whole year for approach of New year …
    And still there is a tradition most expensive to me. There comes the evening, all affairs are made. I approach to the bed, I lay down and, looking at a night lamp spark, I wait mother. Here it sits down on a bed edge, a beret in the hand I wash, gently irons me, then kisses, and I hear the most expensive words: «Good night, my darling сынуля!» And my dreams flow quietly …
    Perhaps, these traditions will seem to someone not such bright, but they our, own, and are more expensive than them to us there is no no power on earth.
    Thanks to the traditions existing in our family, we learn to love, respect, trust, appreciate minutes of communication with dear people, to help each other. And it is the most important in life.

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