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  • essay about the importance of phones​

    • 28 November 2020
    • Ответ оставил: JennaHopplant


    Today, the role of a mobile phone in a person's life is simply invaluable. With the help of it, it became much easier for a person to function in society (i.e. communicate). The phone gives us new opportunities for recording our thoughts, ideas, plans. That is why society has begun to devote much more time to the originality and creativity of its work. In addition, I must say that the phone has replaced our address book, because now all phone numbers, credit card numbers, memorable dates, all this is kept in the memory of your mobile. And all kinds of useful programs, applications, and so on, has a good effect on the speed and productivity of our work in different areas of life.

    Nowadays, a mobile phone is not uncommon and on average it is not expensive, although fifteen years ago mankind could not have imagined that, in general, such a miracle of technology could be created.

    So, a mobile phone in a person's life is an indispensable assistant, it is useful to those who value their time and are not ready to waste it.

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