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  • Помогите 30 баллов
    1. They … to the office at eight o’clock every morning

    A. come
    B. comes
    C. came

    2. This manager usually … sandwiches for lunch

    A. have eaten
    B. eats
    C. eat

    3. … they … to the office by car?

    A. do…go
    B. does…go
    C. do… goes

    4. … he always … tea for lunch?

    A. do…drinks
    B. does…drinks
    C. does…drink

    5. He … roses now.

    A. is selling
    B. sell
    C. sells

    6. Where … they … the film at the moment?

    A. do… watch
    B. is…watch
    C. are…watching

    7. What … Lima … on Sunday evening?

    A. is… doing
    B. does…doing
    C. do…do

    8. My train … at the station at 11 a.m

    A. arrive
    B. arrives
    C. is arriving

    9. Kerry is five. She … six next week.

    A. is
    B. was
    C. will be

    10. He … in bed tomorrow. He is sick.

    A. will stay
    B. stays
    C. stayed

    11. When … she … her sister?

    A. is… visit
    B. do…visit
    C. will … visit

    12. As soon as they … home, they … us.

    A. will come…will phone
    B. will come…phone
    C. come…will phone

    13. Jake … his school exams last May

    A. will pass
    B. passed
    C. passes

    14. When … Kerry… to bed yesterday?

    A. does…go
    B. will…go
    C. did…go

    15. Tom … his homework. Now he can go for a walk.

    A. has done
    B. did
    C. have done

    16. … you ever … to New York?

    A. has…been
    B. were… ---
    C. have…been

    17. Lima's parents … aunt Polly for ten years.

    A. haven't seen
    B. didn't see
    C. hasn't seen

    18. When Tom … the room, Kerry … with his new car.

    A. enter…played
    B. will enter…were playing
    C. entered…was playing

    19. Lima … roses in the garden while her mother … dinner.

    A. watered…was cooking
    B. was watering…was cooking
    C. was watering…cooked

    20. What … you … all day long yesterday?

    A. was… doing
    B. did…do
    C. were…doing​

    • 13 December 2020
    • Ответ оставил: varvarmed


    1. A


    3. A


    5. A

    6. C

    7. A

    8. B

    9. C

    10. A











    • 13 December 2020
    • Ответ оставил: nyxaybebry25







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