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  • Помогите срочно!!!! МЕНЯ СЕЙЧАС МАМА УБЬЁТ!!

    Read the text "My class and classmates".


    I am a pupil of the 7th form. I study at a secondary school. My school is one of the oldest schools specializing in teaching English in our town. It is situated in the centre of our town in Shevchenko street. I go to school five days a week. It usually takes me 15 minutes to get there. Our classes begin at 8 o'clock in the morning and last till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We usually have six or seven lessons a day. Our classroom is large and light.

    Entering a classroom you'll see three rows of desks, a teacher's table, a blackboard and two bookcases.

    You'll also see different pictures, diagrams, wall newspapers and portraits of English famous people there. It is a special room for learning foreign languages which has such modern teaching equipment as a tape-recorder, record-player, TV set, cassettes, maps. That makes our lessons useful and very interesting. Here we have our English classes. We read texts, speak English and listen to spoken English from records.

    Our class is very united. The children in our class are not just boys and girls. Everyone is a unique individual. We spend a lot of time together at school and after the lessons.

    There is a wide variety of things to do when we don't study. Very often we have a chance to get together with classmates and play different games. We like to play volleyball and football very much. It's wonderful to be able to relax and just to talk and play different games. I study well and I am always ready to help my classmates to improve their knowledge in subjects they are not good at. In general our class is rather a friendly one. Everybody is easy to get along with. I am on good terms with all my classmates.

    But when sometimes it comes to quarreling, we try to make it up at once. Everybody tries to be a helpful person and always does his best to help other pupils when they have some problems. What I like best about my classmates is that they are always willing to help and share their knowledge, thoughts and feelings. I like my class. I always feel at home there.

    Write 3 words into each gap:

    1. You'll also see different pictures, diagrams, wall newspapers and portraits of ______


    2. I am on _____

    all my classmates.

    3. Everybody tries to be ____

    and always does his best to help other pupils when they have some problems.

    • 05 January 2021
    • Ответ оставил: bubbleguuuum


    1. English famous people

    2. Good terms with

    3. A helpful person


    надеюсь с тобой все ок будет!

    • 05 January 2021
    • Ответ оставил: IlyaTop4ik


    1. You'll also see different pictures, diagrams, wall newspapers and portraits of English famous people there.

    2. I am on good terms with all my classmates.

    3. Everybody tries to be a helpful person and always does his best to help other pupils when they have some problems


    1. You'll also see different pictures, diagrams, wall newspapers and portraits of of English famous people there.

    2. I am on good terms with all my classmates.

    3. Everybody tries to be a helpful person and always does his best to help other pupils when they have some problems

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