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  • 1 What is the only piece of furniture that cannot go in the room last?
    a. bed
    b. dresser
    c. desk
    d. chair
    Which sentence from the passage best lest us know that Matt has to plan how he will move everything?
    a. He has four pieces of furniture to move into the room
    b. it will be easier to put the bed back together if it is the only thing in the room
    c. the other pieces of furniture can go into the room in any order
    d. The chair is the smallest piece of furniture
    What does Matt have to do make the bed fit through the doorway?
    a. take it apart
    b. turn it sideways
    c. put it in the first
    d.push it against the far wall
    This passage is mostly about
    a. a new bedroom
    b.moving furniture
    c. taking furniture apart
    d. the moving day
    Based on its use in the passage we an understand that order belongs to which word group?
    a. cleanliness organization tidiness
    b. command demand direction
    c.grouping pattern system
    d. area room space

    • 06 November 2013
    • Ответ оставил: Sackura

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