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  • Напишите пожалуйста небольшой рассказ из 70-80 слов про то как я ездил в Санкт Петербург в эти осенние каникулы

    Заранее спасибо)

    • 06 November 2013
    • Ответ оставил: Sackura

    If you ask me about my fall holidays I spent in St. Petersburg, I would say it was fantastic. No doubt, St. Petersburg is a very beautiful, culturally rich Russian city, so I enjoyed my trip a lot.
    First of all, we visited a lot of museums and palaces like Ekaterina's Palace and Art Gallery. Secondly, we've been to one of the most impressive places in the country - Petergof. Even though the weather was not so good, I loved it. 
    All an all my vacation was a true fairy tail for me and I would love to go again to St. Petersburg.

    103 words

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