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    1.“Be ready! At 5 o’clock we will be at business centre”, said Angela to John.
    2. I asked classmates, “Where has Tom gone?”
    3. “I am sorry, I am late. I lost my way”, John said to our guide.
    4. Gerry asked, “Can you lend me some money, Mike?”
    5. “There is no paper in the box”, the secretary said to boss.
    6. Mike said, “I am living in London now.”
    7. Mila asked her husband, “Why doesn’t this machine work?”
    8. Ken said to dad, “Don’t sell the car.
    9. Andrew said to the patient, “Stay in bed for a few days.”
    10. Marry said, “I went to London with my sister last week.”
    11 .My friend said, “I have watched a lot of soap operas.”
    12. He asked, “Will Tom be here next Wednesday?”
    13. My mother asked,” Did you clean the room yesterday?”
    14. Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you now.”
    15. The teacher asked, “How did the accident happen?”
    16. My cousin said to his teacher, “We are not interested in politics.”
    17. Henry said me, “What will you tell the police tomorrow?”
    18. Tom said, “New York is more lovely than London.”
    19. “Are you kidding with us, Fiona?”, she asked.
    20. She wrote me in a message, “Put up at this hotel”

    • 09 February 2021
    • Ответ оставил: Juliyasha11

    1 Angela told John to be ready because at 5 o`clock they would be at business centre.
    2. I asked classmates where Tom had gone.
    3. John told our guide he was sorry,he was late. He added he had lost his way.
    4. Gerry asked Mike if he could lend him some money.
    5. The secretary told boss there was no paper in the box.
    6. Mike said he was living in London then.
    7. Mila asked her husband why that machine didn’t work.
    8. Ken told dad not to sell the car.
    9. Andrew told the patient to stay in bed for a few days.
    10. Marry said she had gone to London with her sister the previous week.
    11 .My friend said he had watched a lot of soap operas.
    12. He asked me if Tom would be there the next Wednesday.
    13. My mother asked me if I had cleaned the room the day before.
    14. Her teacher said he was not going to ask me then.
    15. The teacher asked me how the accident had happened.
    16. My cousin told his teacher they were not interested in politics.
    17. Henry asked me what I would tell the police the following day.
    18. Tom said New York was more lovely than London.
    19. She asked Fiona if she was kidding with them.
    20. She wrote me in a message to put up at that hotel.

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