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  • сочинение про мэрлин монро на английском с переводом

    • 09 February 2021
    • Ответ оставил: jaafarzein80

    Marilyn Monroe (01.06.1926 - 05.08.1962) - American actress.Marilyn Monroe (real name Norma Jeane Mortenson) was an American actress, who became an idol for millions of people. She was considered to be the major sex symbol of the 20th century. Apart from being an actress, she was a singer and a model. She was born on June 1st, 1926, in Los Angeles. She was the third child of a film installer Gladys Baker. Her biological father was unknown. When she was six months old, she was baptized and named after her mother Baker instead of Mortenson. Norma’s mother had a number of financial and mental problems. That’s why the girl spent most of her childhood in foster families and orphanages. For some time she lived with the neighboring family of Della Monroe.Her tough childhood helped her to mature quickly and to take independent decisions. One of her adolescent decisions was to marry James Edward Doherty. She met him, while studying at high school. She was only 16, when she left the school and started living with this guy. After their wedding James got a job in the merchant navy, while she went to work at the aircraft factory. She met a prominent photographer there, who offered her to become a model. Soon she began to gain popularity and worldwide fame as a sex symbol. The image of sexy blonde as well as her new name was made up by a 53-year-old film agent John Hyde. He also persuaded her to make a few small cosmetic surgeries.However, the main thing that he did for Marilyn was the arrangement of the contract with “20th Century Fox”. At first she went there to work at the statistics department, but a year and a half later everyone in the USA knew her name. By that time Hyde already died of a heart attack. She was doing her own steps in cinematography. Her first major role was in “Ladies of the Chorus” (1948). Two years later two more successful films were shot: “All about Eve” and “The Asphalt Jungle”. Her roles weren’t highly paid at first. But starting with “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”(1953) her fee had grown to thousands of dollars. Soon Marilyn got divorced and fell in love with a famous baseball player Joe DiMaggio. They got married in 1954, but this marriage didn’t last a year.Her next husband was a famous playwright Henry Miller, who became a father, a friend, a guardian and a psychoanalyst for her. However, soon she started an affair with the French actor Yves Montand, which lasted only for a couple of months. But for Miller this was a solid reason for the divorce. After this divorce she was highly depressed and once again she began to seek salvation dating other men. The list of her lovers included Frank Sinatra, Henry Rosenfeld, Charlie Chaplin Jr., etc. At some point Peter Lawford introduced her to the Kennedy family. She fell in love with John Kennedy, who wasn’t the president of the country yet. Their relationship remained a secret for a long time. Life of a great actress and the sexiest woman of the 20th century was a short one. She died on August 5th, 1962, in her home. Her lifeless body was found near the bed in the morning.
    arilyn Monroe(01.06.1926 - 05.08.1962) - Американська актриса.

    Marilyn Monroe(реальне ім'я Norma Jeane Mortensonбула Американською актрисоюяка стала ідолом за мільйоничоловікПокладаєтьсящо вона є головним статевимсимволом 20-го століттяНе кажучи вже про існуванняактрисивона була співаком і моделлюВона народиласячервня, 1-го, 1926, в Лос-АнджелесіВона була третьоюдитиною film програми установки Гледіс BakerЇїбіологічний батько був невідомийКоли вона була шістьмастарими місяцямивона хрестилася і була названою післяїї рідного Пекаря замість MortensonМати Norma мала рядфінансових і розумових проблемОсь чому дівчинкапроводила більшість з її дитинства заохочують сім'ї ісирітські притулкиВпродовж деякого часу вона жила зсусідньою сім'єю Della Monroe.

    Її жорстке дитинство допомогло їйщоб детальнорозробити швидко і узяти незалежні рішенняОдно з їїюнацьких рішень мало одружитися Джеймса EdwardDohertyВона зустріла йоговивчившись в середній школіЇй тільки 16, коли вона залишила школу

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