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    I couldn't live without my computer at home. I use it all the time. It is like a typewriter and address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides I can go on the Internet* and discover everything about anything, it's a brilliant source of information. I've designed my own website and I'm getting loads of information for school. Besides some websites are packed with quizzes, games and competitions, it's all you need for hours of fun on your computer. You can play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don’t know how I ever managed without it. But my elder sister thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on computers. She thinks that we rely on them too much. My sister says, "You can't rely on the information, you don't know who it has been written by or where it's com¬ing from. To be dependent on anything, especially a lifeless machine, that can quite easily break down, is not good. Besides computers shouldn't replace seeing your friends.


    I couldn't possibly live without my car. Convenience seems to be the most common and most logical answer: cars take you where you want to go and when you want to go there. I can travel freely and comfortably wherever I want. Besides it allows me to live where I want as I can easily get to the place I need with the help of the car. Besides a car is a way of self-expression. I really hate to be without it. I think a car is a necessity rather than a lux¬ury. But my wife thinks there are too many cars in our cities. Some people use them in cases when they could go on foot for example when going to buy a newspa¬per in a kiosk. It's necessary to give thought to problems caused by cars. Pollution, accidents and so on. She says that cars are useful but not essential and it's nice when cars are banned from the central shopping areas. I don't agree with such situation but I have to accept it. My wife prefers to go to work using intercity transportation system. She says that during the rush hour, a trip from our home to her work by car takes much more time than a trip on foot. But I prefer to use my car. It suits me.

    3)мобильный телефон

    I couldn't imagine my life without my phone or I should say phones because I've got a mobile, too. I need a telephone to get in touch with my friends or to call the police or an ambulance. It is al¬most impossible for me to live without my phones. At home I've got a cordless telephone, I think it saves time when you have a receiver just at hand. But my mum was against buying a cordless phone because if there is some problem with electricity it wouldn't work and you'll be totally lost. She also thinks that it is a luxury to have a mobile, it is too expensive, it is more trouble than it's worth. Besides she says that mobiles are dangerous for health. The rays may cause headaches and even more dan¬gerous diseases. I don't believe her. For me my telephones are really invaluable.

    • 11 April 2013
    • Ответ оставил: AkinavaUri


    (+) it is also used for checking my spelling.
          discover everything about anything
           designed my own website and I'm getting loads of information for school

         can play and learn on it
    (-)are getting a bit too dependent on computers
         don't know who it has been written by or where it's com¬ing from

       To be dependent on  a lifeless machine, that can quite easily break down

    (+)can travel freely and comfortably wherever I want

        an easily get to the place I need
    (-)too many cars in our cities

       Pollution, accidents and so on
      are banned from the central shopping areas

       couldn't possibly live without my car

    3)мобильный телефон
    (+)get in touch with my friends or to call the police or an ambulance
    (-)couldn't imagine my life without my phone
       is some problem with electricity
       it wouldn't work and you'll be totally lost
       is too expensive
      are dangerous for health

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